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Promoting digitalization to become a new fulcrum for the high-quality implementation of the


In 2016, the State Council deployed a special campaign to increase varieties, improve quality and create brands in the consumer goods industry, and accurately grasped the key points of deepening the supply-side structural reform of the consumer goods industry represented by the textile industry. The breakthrough in strength and the improvement of cultural soft power have played an overall leading role in the continuous deepening of structural adjustment and accelerated transformation and upgrading of the consumer goods industry.

At present, the digital economy has become the main economic form, and is promoting the renewal of factor resources, the reset of infrastructure and the extension of market scenarios at an unprecedented speed, scale and scope. In the face of new changes in the situation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other departments have issued the Action Plan for Digitalization to Help the Consumer Goods Industry "Three Products" (2022-2025) (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan), which aims to enhance digital technology by promoting the consumer goods industry. Integrate application capabilities to further promote the "Three Grades" strategy during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period to a new level. The Action Plan is based on scientific judgment on the transition trend of digital technology revolution and the increasingly mature industrial basic conditions, and provides a clear direction and a favorable environment for the deep integration and value resonance of digital technology and consumer goods industry. The introduction of the "Action Plan" has brought new opportunities for the textile industry to better implement the new development concept, integrate into the new development pattern, and achieve high-quality development of technology, fashion and green in the new era.

To implement the "Action Plan", the textile industry should focus on the following three aspects:

The first is to improve the industrial ecology and make digitization a new fulcrum for the coordinated development and collaborative innovation of the industry.

The digital economy promotes the in-depth integration of manufacturing and services, and the in-depth integration of virtual and physical entities, which is an important force for promoting industrial chain collaboration and promoting systematic innovation in the industry. The textile industry should rely on digital technology to open up boundaries, establish an efficient collaborative innovation system and supply chain system, and improve the quality and efficiency of technological innovation and application, product development and supply.

As the key connection point and the main body of practice, key enterprises should strengthen the application of innovative technologies and the construction of platforms. Key platforms such as national technology innovation centers, enterprise technology centers, and industrial design centers in the industry should actively promote digital upgrades. Product development alliances, technology innovation alliances, and trend research alliances that have been operating well in the industry should strengthen the supporting role of digital transformation on collaborative innovation.

Existing public service systems such as industrial clusters and professional markets should also comprehensively accelerate digital upgrades, and rely on data information and coordination platforms to improve supply quality and build regional brands. At the same time, the whole industry should use digital technology and platforms to open up the fashion trend system, and realize the fashion trend research and development system, product development service system information integration and service coordination covering fibers, fabrics and end products.

The second is to improve basic capabilities and build digitalization into a new fulcrum for the stable and healthy development of the industry.

The development of intelligent manufacturing and software systems and the realization of information interconnection in the whole process of production and management is an important way for the industry to improve advanced manufacturing, high-quality manufacturing, green manufacturing capabilities, fine management, and lean operations. In recent years, the textile industry has actively carried out pilot demonstrations of intelligent manufacturing enterprises and selection of excellent integrators for system solutions, effectively guiding the upgrading of intelligent manufacturing in the entire industry.

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the textile industry will focus on key fields such as chemical fiber, spinning, weaving, non-woven, printing and dyeing, clothing and home textiles, promote the formation of integrated solutions and the integration of full-process intelligent manufacturing technology, and build digital and intelligent demonstrations Workshops or factories, to consolidate the basis for variety renewal, quality improvement and brand forging. Focus on the development of digital design and development tools with general value in the industry, such as fashion trend analysis and prediction tools, color trend application analysis tools, intelligent auxiliary design tools, etc. Research and establish a public service platform for intelligent design that meets the characteristics of the textile industry and the needs of enterprises, and brings together resources such as tools, models, and talents. Establish and improve the information infrastructure construction of industries such as industrial Internet and big data centers, cultivate ecological aggregation platforms, and guide enterprises to "go to the cloud, use data, and empower intelligence". Strengthen the public service platform, accelerate the promotion and application of mature and applicable intelligent manufacturing technology, equipment and software in the whole industry, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises, and continuously improve the development resilience and vitality of enterprises.

The third is to broaden the application scenarios and make digitalization a new fulcrum for leveraging the large domestic market and smoothing the dual circulation.

The intersection of lifestyle and scene innovation, and the integration of the domestic market and the global market, is a huge space for industrial transformation and consumption upgrade. The textile industry has a long industrial chain and multiple entities. Promoting digital transformation is an important way to break through the bottlenecks in production, distribution, circulation, and consumption, improve the allocation efficiency of different factor resources in the industry, and realize value conversion. In the implementation of the "three products" strategy, there are obvious differences in the concerns and needs of industry enterprises, and the full-scenario and specialization of digital technology applications is an inevitable trend.

Focusing on optimizing supply and demand, a number of excellent solutions have emerged in the textile industry. For example, through the digitalization of fabric design and weaving process, the quality and efficiency of product development can be improved; , to help brands establish more effective marketing plans; use AI technology to drive intelligent collocation, copywriting generation and trend analysis to help companies improve their rapid response capabilities. The cross-domain collaborative innovation platform represented by the Fashion Industry Digital Technology Innovation Alliance is becoming a new force to effectively promote the digital transformation of the industry. The textile industry will actively promote the application of digital technology in the whole supply chain and product life cycle, and continuously expand the application scenarios. Improving the application level of e-commerce is an important direction to optimize supply and demand. We will continue to deepen e-commerce research and consulting services, carry out special training in the fields of supply chain collaborative innovation and other fields for industrial clusters and professional market e-commerce platforms, and actively guide enterprises to develop content e-commerce in an orderly manner. commerce, cross-border e-commerce and other new formats, to build a more diversified channel platform for brands.

Accelerating digital transformation is a strategic choice to grasp the new opportunities of the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. The textile industry will actively promote the implementation of the "Action Plan", take digitalization as a new fulcrum, leverage the high-quality development of the industry, and achieve new results in the implementation of the "three products" strategy, so as to achieve "the main driver of the world's textile technology and the importance of global fashion" faster. The vision and goal of a leader and a powerful promoter of sustainable development!